Ahlawat & Associates Advocates
Ahlawat & Associates (A&A) is one of the top Corporate Law Firms in Delhi India delivering the best legal and business solutions to domestic and international clients from diverse sectors. Apart from having a vast presence in India, A&A is also well established in U.K., Japan, and Korea. The firm has dedicated desks for these territories, which are led by experienced foreign resident specialist professionals. A&A is perhaps the only Law Firm in India to offer comprehensive solutions while eliminating even grassroots level difficulties faced by clients and have helped them seamlessly facilitate foreign direct investments and business setup in India. A&A was established in Delhi and within a short duration became a leading Law Firm in Delhi before emerging as one of the best and topmost law firms in India.
We Provide Legal services:
1.Corporate Commercial Law
2.Mergers & Acquisitions Law
3.Business Setup
4.Insolvency and Bankruptcy Law
5.General Counsel Services
6.Company Secretarial Practice
For more information, visit.https://www.ahlawatassociates.com/